Are you in your final years of college and it seems as though everyone around you has it all figured out? Or are you feeling uncertain about what you want to pursue after graduation? You are not alone! It can take time to explore and discover what your passions are or what type of work you would find most fulfilling.
This is where a rotational development program could be incredibly beneficial! This early career program provides you with the opportunity to explore multiple career paths and find your ideal fit.
But don’t just take our word for it. We thought, who better to catch up with than those who have gone through the Equifax Rotational Development Program or are still in it? Hear from Ashton, Zion, Esha, Nate, and Janai to learn more about what their experience has been like.
What is the Rotational Development Program?
“The Rotational Development Program is an incredibly rewarding opportunity to get experience in different areas of Equifax before a permanent role in the company. The Finance Rotational program specifically consists of three one-year-long positions and is also filled with trainings, career-building sessions, and interactions with leadership for an extremely well-rounded entrance into the corporate world”, says Nate.
Currently, Equifax offers full-time rotational opportunities in Finance, Technology, Security and Data & Analytics. Once all of the rotations are completed (3-4 rotations over two or three years, depending on which program), the associate can move to a single-track role.
What are some of the benefits of going through this program?
Esha found value in the numerous workshops provided sharing that “you get to learn so much about different products, different departments, and how they function and interact with each other”. She also noted that “I learned about Tableau, which was a completely new field for me..but now I use it on a daily basis.”
“You get the opportunity to work with different managers and understand different managing styles as well as work with a diverse group of people”, says Zion.
“I’ve learned that constantly changing things is really good for learning and progressing your career”, shares Ashton and it’s something he wants to “carry going forward after finishing the program.”
One can also come into their own and build up their level of confidence in a variety of ways, especially being new to the workforce. “I’m learning how to take up space in a room” says Janai. “Having the opportunity to have executive level interactions, presentations, and day-to-day conversations with your counterparts and teammates helps you take up space in a room.”
And to wrap it up, Janai couldn’t have said it better, “Exploring what you want out of your career is definitely vital to the longevity of your career.”
Learn more about available opportunities at Equifax.