After working in human resources for over a decade, Priya can easily pinpoint her favorite part of the job - seeing the smiles on employees' faces when their problems are listened to and addressed. As she describes it, “Every interaction with an employee is an opportunity to make a positive impact and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.”
In your career journey, who is your career guide? And what is his/her greatest influence on you?
My husband has been my career guide and my role model. His ideologies regarding career growth, financial planning and lifelong learning mentality have always inspired and motivated me to aim for bigger things in life.
Human Resources is an art. What is your understanding of a team, and how do you get along with your own?
I believe that for any team to get successful, they should trust, respect and empower each other. Every conversation I have with my team is not necessarily always about work, but most times we discuss our passions, dreams and aspirations. It brings us closer, builds trust and works efficiently.

What is your favorite part about your job?
Leaders, managers and employees come to me with various problems and challenges they face. Giving them guidance on the best approach, encouraging them and bringing the best out of them has always been my forte. Sometimes, I may not have ready made solutions with me but I make sure that I do my research or even get help from my HR colleagues to address the concerns on time. Empowering others with the right knowledge and right resources gives me a lot of satisfaction and content which turns out to be the favorite part of my job.
Describe a moment when working at Equifax made you feel supported?
At Equifax, we have an amazing leadership team who are always ready to support and mentor us. Whether it’s through regular check-ins, training sessions, or simply being available to answer questions, I have always been supported by our business leaders and other bright minds in my journey.
We all know your love for Toastmasters and Chess? Tell us how it started? Any competitions that you have won?
I began my journey with Toastmasters International two years back and ever since I have had ample opportunities to share my ideas, nourish my thought process and create an impact. Last year, I participated in one of the inter club speech contests and I was selected the contest winner. I still remember the speech I delivered, titled ‘I AM’ where I elaborated on the power of autosuggestion and visualization by quoting some of my real life experiences. Even today when I go for any club meetings, people come and greet me by quoting my winning speech title. My ultimate ambition is to give a winning speech at Toastmasters International and become the first Indian (representing India) to be the World Champion of Public Speaking.

I took up chess as one of my passions very recently. I was inspired by my husband and kids who are FIDE rated chess players. Most of the time, our common discussions would be around chess games, famous chess players, and electrifying chess game moments.
What are the must-visit attractions in or around Trivandrum?
Two years back, when I was settled in Kochi, I came across the job opportunity with Equifax at Trivandrum. I was elated at the very thought of coming back to Trivandrum since this is where I grew up, did my schooling and graduation. Some of my favorite places are Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Shankumugham Beach, Padmanabhapuram Palace, Kovalam, Veli, Aazhimala Shiva Temple, and Trivandrum Zoo.

What is your advice to those just starting out in Human Resources?
Always be in a learning mode and never restrict yourself to just the domain. Understanding the business and the industry is of paramount importance since it drives organizational success. Embrace technology and get comfortable in making hard decisions. Rest, you will figure it out!
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