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Helping Change Lives with a Purpose Driven Team

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Ben Yarmulnik enjoys a game of chess, supporting local dog shelters, but most importantly, he enjoys his team who helps change lives in the community.

As the Vice President of Operations, Ben and his team support Equifax’s verifier customer base. “We are helping thousands of customers every single day. The verifiers we support enable consumers to do things such as buy their first home, receive social service benefits, or qualify for a loan.”

When Ben joined Equifax he “gained a huge appreciation for the extensive collaboration, the entrepreneurial mindset, and senior leadership's commitment in investing for the future.” Now he takes that knowledge and makes sure each new team member has the same experience. “With every new hire class, I take the time to visit and talk to new employees about our company, department, culture, and vision for growth.”

So what matters most to Ben when it comes to his work? “People are the heartbeat of everything we do. We are able to make such a positive impact in our communities because we have amazing people that fuel our operations and our innovation.”  

Learn more about available opportunities at Equifax.